Homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy is a gentle and effective therapy that treats each individual holistically, promotes physical and emotional well-being and is designed to aid the natural healing ability of the body. Contact Health Transitions for more information.
Transformation for Mind, Body & Soul

How do I work?

We all hold the information required to heal ourselves, if only we could ask the right questions and get accurate answers. I specialise in using muscle testing to access that information.

Kinesiology allows me to act as an interface between each individual and their own innate intelligence. This intelligence appears to operate as a holographic blueprint which kinesiologists believe can instruct the programs within our unique human ‘bio-computer’.

Careful navigation means it is possible to investigate any active mental, emotional, physical or even spiritual disturbances which are having a negative impact on our health and well-being.

Once these imbalances have been identified and prioritised, it is then possible to determine the most important treatment measures to put in place. I use homeopathy along with advice around diet and lifestyle and the targeted use of nutritional supplements.

Our bodies work in a very orderly and systematic way, which means any intervention should fully respect the agenda of the individual being treated, rather than being imposed according to the beliefs of a therapist.

To disregard the appropriate treatment hierarchy can lead to a lot of unnecessary instability, and let’s face it, there is no value in focusing initially on a childhood experience when inflammation from a specific food intolerance, toxicity from a chemical or parasite, or even a gross zinc deficiency need more urgent attention and would bring more immediate relief!

For homeopathy treatments in Hertfordshire, call Health Transitions on

07770 772 968

Treatment can help by:

  • Identifying food intolerances
  • Addressing any relevant dietary or lifestyle errors
  • Highlighting where we need to grow as individuals
  • Highlighting any toxins or parasites that are impacting on health
  • Replenishing any nutritional deficiencies by directing supplementation
  • Resetting any inappropriate mental, emotional or behavioural programs
  • Clarifying the steps which will take us towards the life experience we wish to have

Treatment can help by:

  • Identifying food intolerances
  • Addressing any relevant dietary or lifestyle errors
  • Highlighting where we need to grow as individuals
  • Highlighting any toxins or parasites that are impacting on health
  • Replenishing any nutritional deficiencies by directing supplementation
  • Resetting any inappropriate mental, emotional or behavioural programs
  • Clarifying the steps which will take us towards the life experience we wish to have

The goal of treatment is to:

  • Optimise mood and well-being
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Help you to manage stress
  • Support good digestion and detoxification
  • Promote a healthy immune system
  • Increase energy

The goal of treatment is to:

  • Optimise mood and well-being
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Help you to manage stress
  • Support good digestion and detoxification
  • Promote a healthy immune system
  • Increase energy